Success and happiness are two concepts that can be connected, but they sometimes go hand in hand. While success may contribute to happiness for some people, it is not an assurance, and the connection between success and happiness can differ from person to person.

Success is associated with achieving goals, acquiring wealth, earning glory, or obtaining social status. However, success can also come with challenges and stressors like high anticipations, increased duties, and potential sacrifices in additional areas of life, such as relationships or health. As a result, some individuals may also achieve success but still struggle with emotions of emptiness, lack of fulfilment, and even unhappiness due to the stress and requirements of success.

Happiness is a subjective condition of well-being and happiness that can be impacted by varied factors, containing personal values, relationships, health, and mindset. However, happiness can be established in simple joys, meaningful connections with others, and a sense of purpose or fulfilment in life, regardless of external accomplishments or material possessions.

While success can contribute to happiness for some people, it is not the sole determinant of happiness. Some people may find happiness in simple and significant elements of life, even if they have not attained conventional markers of success. It’s also possible for people to achieve in their careers or other areas of life but still struggle with unhappiness for varied reasons, such as unfulfilled emotional aspirations, lack of work-life balance, or ignoring other crucial aspects of life.