Affirmations entail repeating a sentence or a set of statements that represent the person we want to be. Positive thinking, according to the theory, leads to personal growth.

Affirmations for positivity:

I am excited about this day.

I am so grateful to be alive.

I love myself.

I’m going to have a great day.

I am open to opportunities.

I love being alive.

Today and every day I am blessed.

I am full of joy.

I feel at peace.

I am positive.

My life is abundant and fulfilling.

I am committed to my personal growth.

Every day I am better than before.

Affirmations for resilience:

I am strong.

I am capable of overcoming anything.

No challenge is too great for me.

I am resilient.

I always overcome obstacles.

Nothing can stand in my way.

I can get through hardship.

I learn and grow through difficulty.

I always pick myself back up.

I am powerful.

I will press on and go forward.

I release what no longer serves me.

I am adaptable.

Affirmations for an energy boost:

I am well-rested.

My body is powerful.

I am energized.

I wake each morning with a smile.

I feel so alive.

Affirmations for self-confidence:

I believe in myself.

I am a wonderful person.

My confidence and self-esteem are high.

I know my worth.

I love who I am.

The people in my life love and support me.

Every day I embody the best version of myself.

I am happy and healthy.

I am deserving of what I desire, and I will achieve it.

I radiate confidence.

I make decisions that support my highest good.

I am courageous.

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