It’s important to understand that nobody is a born perfectionist and everyone learns to build their endeavors from scratch. We often tend to build up scenarios in our head, dreaming to become so and so and then wanting to buy and achieve so and so things in life or wishing to be a billionaire, etc.

It’s not wrong to think in such a manner, but just don’t overload yourself with it, rather focus on the present, stay committed to your deeds, learn and grow through the process, and appreciate yourself for what you did today at the very moment.

When we tend to start small, which we do, it’s important that we focus on the present-day rather than thinking of achieving “your version” of “better or best” in the future. Because what happens is, when you tend to focus less on the present but plan more about the future you might tend to feel dissatisfied with what you might have achieved in the present. After all, the “version of being your best” might keep on changing every time you come across something more intriguing than your actual “present goal”.

So we should find glory in the process of our endeavor, we should appreciate ourselves for always being so vulnerable towards our job/work. When we stop focusing on being the best, only then will we be happy and content. One fine day the world and you will recognize yourself for coming out with something unexpected and great. So it is necessary that we not focus on being the best as the best always comes to the ones who start small and work hard.

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