To relax, take a few deep breaths.

Take a few deep breaths if you start to feel anxious or frightened. Deeply inhale and exhale, drawing from the diaphragm. This will help you relax and concentrate on the game by lowering your heart rate to a healthy level.

Relax by going for a walk.

If your nerves get unbearable, take a brief stroll to settle your anxiety and increase your mood. Running or sprinting will deplete your energy reserves, so aim for 10-20 minutes of brisk walking or strolling instead. Endorphins are released during little exercise and can help calm your nerves.

To cope with powerful emotions, listen to music.

Make or locate a playlist to listen to before the game, whether you need some peaceful music to assist relieve anxieties or intense music to hype you up. To fully immerse yourself in the song, put on some headphones or listen to a speaker with your buddies.

Relax your body and mind by meditating for 10 minutes.

Try a short meditation session if you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed on game day. Sit in a comfortable, peaceful spot to practice meditation. For 10-20 minutes, close your eyes, clear your mind, and concentrate on deep breathing. This can help you manage your stress and redirect it into productive activity.

Visualize yourself performing at your best.

Consider successful former games or future performances before the game. Imagine swishing every shot, hitting a home run, scoring a goal, or rushing for a touchdown. Mentally rehearsing a successful game ahead of time might boost your confidence and help you perform better.

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