Love is a mysterious yet powerful emotion which happens on its own. There is a perfect time, place or way for love to happen; it just happens with the most unexpected person in an unpredictable way which brings out the different and beautiful side of yourself. Youngsters nowadays misunderstand infatuation, attraction or favouritism to be love. In contrast, these are just feelings which fade away with time.

Love is a pure feeling which can be confusing. You cannot expect it to happen at a particular age time,e, or with a specific person. It is impossible to say when you wish. There is no age or time when you have started feeling love. But it is an inner feeling that happens.

Sometimes you fall for the most unexpected person, someone you haven’t imagined. Or sometimes, it’s the person you have spent most of your time with, and sometimes, it happens with the person who annoys you the most.

While the question is, can you expect love? Indeed no, you can’t expect love. If it has to happen, and you don’t feel it, you don’t. You cannot force or plan love. One of the most important factors in love is that you are willing to be off guard and allow yourself to be vulnerable with the possibility that it might hurt you in the end.

Also, it is not necessary that your lover should love you the way you love them. Love has different meanings for different people, who may express it differently. But it should always have respect, care, and togetherness.

In conclusion, there is no particular time, place or moment when you can expect love, nor can you expect it to happen; it will happen if it has to.