When we’re chatting to someone, we sometimes run out of things to say. Even on dates, the small conversation tends to dominate, which may be a significant turnoff. So, to address that problem, here are a few profound conversation topics that can also help you get to know someone better and have a productive chat.

What’s on your list of things you’ll never do, no matter what?

Which option do you prefer? Do you want to do less work or do more of what you enjoy?

Is there anything you believe is significant enough to justify going to war over?

What would you say to your future self if you could travel back in time?

What matters to you the most? Is it more important to do the right thing than to do something right?

Is there something you despise doing but have to do over and over?

Is there anything in your past that you wish you could change?

What are the little things that make you feel uneasy?

Is there something you’ll never give up?

I’m sure there’s anything from your past that you miss the most.

If you won the lotto, what would you do with the money? Will you stay at your current job or look for anything else?

Do you believe in the concept of Karma?

What is your best friend’s personality like?

Do you enjoy music? What do you enjoy doing? One song that may be listened to at any time of day.

Do you enjoy going on vacations? Why would you want to go where you want to go?

What’s more crucial? Which is more important: our bodies or our minds?

Do you believe in the existence of a soul?

Also Read: Hobbies To Adopt That Make You Money