What exactly is a toxic relationship?

Everything works in a healthy relationship. Yes, you may occasionally argue or encounter other roadblocks, but you normally make decisions together, freely address any difficulties that emerge, and enjoy each other’s presence. But when a relationship is toxic, it may disturb you mentally and physically.

We’ll go through some of the most common indicators of toxicity in a relationship and provide some advice on what to do if you notice any of these signs in yourself or your partner.

1. A lack of assistance
In short, the time you spend together is no longer enjoyable. You don’t feel supported or encouraged or have faith in them to be there for you. Instead, you may receive the idea that your wants and interests are unimportant and that they are solely concerned with what they want.

2. Harmful communication
Do you ever notice yourself making snarky remarks to friends or family? You may ridicule them when they’re in another room by repeating what they said. You could even start avoiding their calls to avoid the usual disputes and anger.

3. Jealousy or envy
While it’s normal to feel envious occasionally, Caraballo argues that it may become an issue if your jealousy prevents you from thinking positively about your partner’s accomplishments.

4. Behaviors of control
Is your lover always asking you where you are? Maybe they become frustrated or offended when you don’t respond to SMS immediately or text you repeatedly until you do. These actions may be motivated by jealousy or a lack of trust, but they may also indicate a desire for control, which can lead to relationship toxicity.

5. Deception
You’re always making up stories about your whereabouts or who you meet up with, whether to avoid spending time with your spouse or because you’re afraid of how they’ll react if you tell them the truth.

So, after knowing all these signs, you can recognize your relationship; you should never encourage toxicity.