When flirting with a girl, using riddles can be a fun and creative way to show your interest. Puzzles are playful and witty and can create a sense of mystery that can pique her curiosity. Here are some flirty riddles to ask a girl:

What did the guy squirrel say to the girl squirrel?
Answer: I am “nuts” about you!

Why is it difficult to find a loving, caring, and handsome guy?
Answer: Because I am already with him.

What did the French chef give his girlfriend for Valentine’s Day?
Answer: A “quiche.”

What happened when the man fell in love with his garden?
Answer: It made him “wed” his plants.

I can break, I can be clogged, I can be attacked, I can be given, I can be kept, I can be crushed, yet I can be whole at the same time. What am I?
Answer: A heart.

What is mine but only you can have?
Answer: My heart.

What did the Valentine Card say to the stamp?
Answer: “Stick” with me and we’ll go places.

Why did the girl ask her boyfriend for a map?
Answer: Because she got lost in his eyes.

What did the fish say to the bait on Valentine’s Day?
Answer: We should totally hook up.

What do you call two birds in love?
Answer: “Tweet” hearts.

Using flirty riddles to ask a girl is an excellent way to make her smile and feel special. These riddles can also be used as icebreakers, opening up the possibility of a deeper conversation. In addition, they show your intelligence, creativity, and sense of humour, all qualities girls find attractive in guys. Could you ensure not to overdo it and come across as corny or desperate? Use them sparingly and in the proper context, and you may win her heart!