Make Your Love Known

Human touch and loving compassion are required for healthy emotional and neurological development at all stages of life. It’s critical that you give your child gentle, loving touch (hugs) multiple times during the day. Every interaction with your child should be viewed as an opportunity to connect with them. Greet them with friendly expressions, maintain eye contact, smile, and encourage open dialogue.

Say “I love you” frequently

We often assume that we love our children, but no matter how old they are, tell them every day. Even if your child is being difficult or doing something you don’t like, this is a perfect time to assure them that you love them completely. A simple “I love you” can have a significant impact on your child’s long-term relationship.

Establish boundaries, regulations, and repercussions

As they grow and learn about the world around them, children require structure and guidance. Make sure your children understand what you expect of them by talking to them about it. When rules are breached, make sure that age-appropriate consequences are in place and that they are followed consistently.

Pay attention and empathize

Listening is the first step in establishing a connection. Recognize your child’s emotions, demonstrate that you understand, and reassure them that you are available to assist them with anything they require. Consider things from your child’s point of view. You can start to establish mutual respect by listening and empathizing with your youngster.

Play with them

The importance of play in a child’s growth cannot be overstated. It is a tool that youngsters use to improve their language abilities, express their emotions, encourage creativity, and learn social skills. Furthermore, it is a wonderful approach for you to deepen your bond with your child. It makes no difference what you play. The trick is to simply enjoy each other’s company and to commit to giving your child your whole attention.

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