It’s not necessarily time to end your relationship if you’re experiencing jealousy. Mild jealousy is a normal human emotion that, when handled carefully, may be beneficial. Love, respect, trust, and communication are the cornerstones of a good relationship; yet, when one party feels threatened or fears losing their other, these feelings can change into fear, insecurity, and jealousy.

1. Acknowledge & Openly Talk About The Jealousy

If you’ve started to feel jealous, it could be time to open up to your spouse. Communication is essential! Because internal conflicts usually result in envy, do some soul-searching. After that, talk to your spouse about your results.

2. Keep a Relationship Journal

Writing in a diary may be a terrific source of support and direction if you deal with jealousy. You may express your frustration and how your envy makes you feel in a private, protected setting.

3. Explore Underlying Issues

In a relationship, constant jealousy is upsetting and could be a sign of anxiety or poor self-worth. For instance, it could manifest in the way you behave with your present relationship if you haven’t properly dealt with past traumas or earlier infidelity.

4. Identify Your Unspoken & Unmet Needs

You will need to cultivate vulnerability inside yourself, which might be challenging. When a third party is involved in the envy, you should evaluate yourself to assist you sort through the complex emotional web.

5. Voice Your Concerns

Do not hesitate to discuss this with your spouse as soon as possible if your partner’s activities (or someone else’s conduct toward your relationship) cause emotions of jealousy.

Source:choosing therapy

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