Most partnerships begin with each partner putting in their best effort and viewing the other through rose-colored glasses. However, during the honeymoon period, you may begin to wonder if your significant other’s features aren’t as great as you first imagined.
The fact of an abusive relationship is that it did not start out that way. It’s unlikely you would have gotten into it in the first place if it was. The majority of abuse occurs gradually and can continue until the abused person feels imprisoned and unable to escape.

1. Maintaining control

Abusive relationships are based on power and control, and the feeling that your partner is watching your every move is a major red flag. Did they, for example, ask you for all of your confidential passwords? Invading your privacy is a way of exerting power over you. They may also be able to dictate where you can and cannot go, as well as what you dress.

2. Isolation

One of the first signs of an abusive relationship is isolation. A partner who is always picking on your friends or attempting to remove you from your family is attempting to divide you from your loved ones on purpose. Isolation might also provide the abusive partner the opportunity to exacerbate his other violent actions. Because, in the end, you may feel as if you don’t have anyone to talk to about the abuse you’re going through. This leaves you without a support system at a moment when you most need the help of family and friends.

3. Intimidation

An abusive partner will employ a range of intimidation tactics to force you to comply with his or her demands. Making threatening gestures, breaking objects in front of you, destroying property, flaunting firearms, injuring or murdering pets/companion animals, and making verbally abusive threats are all examples of this behaviour.

4. Absence of Consent

If you’re being manipulated, pressured, or threatened into saying yes, that’s not consent. It’s also not consent if you can’t offer consent because you’re sleepy, unconscious, or under the influence of alcohol, prescription pills, or other drugs.

5. Put-downs

A controlling partner will do all in their power to make you feel horrible about yourself. After all, you’re less inclined to leave if you believe you’re useless and that no one else will want you. Insults, name-calling, humiliating, and public humiliation are all used to lower your self-esteem and make you feel helpless.

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