Marriage is allegedly the world’s most challenging profession. According to statistics, the divorce rate in western nations is over 50%. Find out here what the most common indications of a failed marriage are.

Sign #1 You’re Just Not Feeling Attracted

You no longer feel the same way about the reason you initially picked your partner. As a result, it appears as though your marriage has lost its passion. This is a crucial indicator of an unhappy marriage.

Loss of attraction typically effects both you and your lover equally. You stopped seeing all the unique features that first drew you to your spouse and stopped searching for the things about them that you appreciate.

Sign #2 You Are Not Being Sexually Intimate

You may be moving toward a sexless marriage if you don’t feel sexual connection with your partner. This blatant indication of a failing marriage is more typical than you may imagine.

You are not alone; 80% of individuals have negative effects from sex issues in their relationships.

Sign #3 You Don’t Have a Shared Vision

A common vision provides the impetus for resolving problems in your relationship most of the time. When your spouse shares your vision for how you want to feel, how you want your relationship to appear, and what you are striving toward, it is much simpler to realign yourself when you disagree or when life presents you with hurdles.

Source: Life Hack

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