You must be the best version of yourself if you want to accomplish your best work and have the best time. Consistently and prolifically; the best version of yourself. This applies both in the long and short term. It entails rapidly recognizing when you’re depressed and quickly putting yourself in a healthier frame of mind.

  1. Make fewer but better decisions.

You’ll be busy chasing several goals, wearing multiple hats, and completing multiple duties, but you won’t go anywhere. Great things are achieved by deliberate and concerted efforts in one direction. If you split your energy between many projects, you’ll end up with a jumbled mess.

  1. Make an effort to smile more.

When you smile, your brain receives a signal of happiness and begins to act as if it is joyful. Smiling fools your mind into thinking you’re happier. People gravitate towards you because you appear nicer and more personable. You may notice that you’re progressing more quickly than previously.

Smiling evokes feelings of relaxation, enjoyment, and positivity, and it can complement assertiveness and decisiveness effectively.

  1. Being honest.

Being honest with yourself and others will bring you much further in life than cheating and lying. You have to live with your falsehoods even if you are the only one who knows you lied. If you were honest from the beginning, your life would be much easier. This topic is intertwined with the one about taking responsibility for one’s actions.

Set realistic objectives. Don’t be too optimistic. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment and failure. Begin small and work your way up.

  1. Be Appreciative of This Wonderful Life

Take a moment to examine your surroundings. Are you looking through this post while sitting in a coffee shop? Are you at your kitchen table, or are you somewhere else? Or do you prefer to sleep? It’s a good idea to be wherever you are at this very moment. Life is incredible, and we are fortunate to be able to participate in it. Feel appreciation, express it, and be grateful for each day.

  1. You Should Love Yourself

The road to being the best version of yourself may take you through some difficult topics, and you may have to overcome certain poor behaviors that you’d rather ignore. Practice self-compassion and self-love for who you are, flaws and all, along the road.

Stop struggling with who you are and what you’ve become, and love yourself just as you are. This kind of self-love will only support your process of becoming the best version of yourself.

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