Winter is around the corner and it’s time for you to gear up your safety measures so as to enjoy the beautiful glimmering season of the year.

Here are a few tips to help you stay fit and fine this summer.

1. Moisturise Your Skin

Cracked and dry skin, although normal, is very annoying. So, make sure to always use moisturisers and lip balm to get a glowing skin and lips in winter.

2. Consume Good Amount of Proteins

This healthy nutrient boosts your energy levels throughout the day. It works towards building and repairing the tissues and maintains the strength of your bones. Proteins are a great metabolism booster.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Water acts as a natural moisturiser. The more water you drink in winter the more glowing skin you will get. It makes your skin soft and supple.

4. Exercise Regularly

Winter has the capability to make you feel lazy. It is a challenge to plan and stick to the workout plan in the cold but there are ways to make yourself feel active and warm.

5. Dose of Tulsi and Honey

Cough and cold are common in winter but you can stay away from it if you develop a habit of consuming a few tulsi leaves with a spoonful of honey.

It is proven to be beneficial in keeping the common cold at bay.

6. Goodnight Sleep

Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Winter has the power to make you sleep for longer hours, so benefit from it by keeping yourself warm and healthy.

Keep reading

Also Read: Health issues associated with winter and how to deal with them