Bipolar is a disorder that leads to extreme mood swings from depression to mania. Bipolar disorder is known to be caused by a chemical imbalance that changes a person’s moods. This imbalance can be due to irregular production of hormone production.

1. Control stress

Excessive stress is a huge bipolar trigger.

Try to avoid things that cause you stress. Do things which you love and you know that it can relieve your stress. If it’s about your job that is troubling you or causing you stress, then find an alternative for it by switching to a less stressful job. Other things you can do to reduce your stress can be yoga and meditation.

2. Healthy sleep habits

Too much exhaustion can activate mania in some people with bipolar disorder. And exhaustion can be a result of unhealthy sleeping patterns.

So remember that you get at least 7 hours of sleep. Sleep at the proper time in the night and wake up early. If you aren’t able to sleep, then listen to some calming music and take a bath with warm water. This will give you peaceful sleep.

 3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and drugs

Alcoholic beverages, drugs, and caffeine can trigger your mood. Consuming caffeine can keep you awake at night. So avoid things containing caffeine especially at night.

Changes in your pattern of living and lifestyle can help you deal with bipolar disorder. Getting to know what triggers mood swings and taking steps to manage those triggers can prove to be helpful.

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