Remembering things well is a skill that some people lack. Even if you have studied all day about something, you may still find it difficult to remember it the next day. This is very common and usual but still, people may find it annoying and frustrating. Good or bad memory skills are all part of every individual’s genetic composition. However, we can still try some things to help us improve our memory. Here are some things that we can try: –

  • Meditate – Meditation is the best physical exercise to sharpen one’s brain. It is calming, soothing and has been found that it relieves your stress and helps to remember better.
  • Less added sugar – Consumption of added sugar more than a limited amount might lead to health issues and chronic diseases. It can also induce cognitive decline, a state where one faces memory issues.
  • Balanced weight – Maintain a healthy and fit body. Have control on your food and keep you BMI(Body Mass Index) in check according to your age. A healthy and fit body is a good way to boost memory.
  • Sleep – Staying up late continuously and not getting enough sleep can add to poor remembering skills. Sleep plays a key role in memory consolidation, a phase where short term memories are analysed and transferred into long term memories.
  • No alcohol – The moment you take a sip of alcohol, it only takes 15-20 seconds for the alcohol to reach the brain and start its effects. constant ly drinking alcohol can alter brain functions and disturb memorising abilities.
  • Brain teasers – Solve puzzles, teasers or play brain games to improve your thinking abilities. This can be a fun way to improve your memory skills. Play sudoku once in a while. It is like a tiny workout for the brain.
  • Exercise more – Perform more physical activities throughout the day. Exercise is important for physical as well as mental health.

Use these tips to hone your brain and become smarter. Don’t overdo anything, try to take it slow. We are only humans and can absorb only little at a time. A little chocolate and some almonds can too help in improving your memory.