Diabetes is usually a manageable disease, but it can add to your stress. People with diabetes may be concerned about calculating carbohydrates on a daily basis, checking insulin levels, and considering their long-term health. However, for some diabetics, these worries grow more extreme, resulting in worry.

Continue reading to learn more about the link between diabetes and anxiety, as well as what you can do to avoid and treat your symptoms.

Stress has been shown to alter blood sugar levels, while the evidence is conflicting. It appears to elevate blood glucose levels in some persons while lowering them in others.

At least one study has discovered a link between glycemic control and mental health disorders like anxiety and depression, particularly in men. Another study, however, discovered that while general worry had no effect on glycemic control, diabetes-specific emotional stress did.

According to another study, people with type 1 diabetes appear to be more vulnerable to bodily injury from stress than those with type 2 diabetes. A multitude of causes might cause anxiety in people with diabetes. Monitoring their glucose levels, weight, and diet are just a few examples.

They may be concerned about both immediate and long-term health consequences, such as hypoglycemia. Certain health issues, such as heart disease, renal disease, and stroke, are more common in those with diabetes. This can make you feel even more anxious.
Your body strives to raise your blood sugar level when it falls. It releases epinephrine (adrenaline), a “fight or flight” hormone that signals your liver to produce more glucose, among other things (blood sugar).

Your heart will race and your palms will sweat as a result of the adrenaline rush. You may become irritable and agitated as a result of it. These symptoms indicate that your blood sugar is dangerously low. If it stays there, your body produces additional hormones, including cortisol, popularly known as “the stress hormone,” which aids in mood and fear regulation.

You may still feel anxious even if you eat well, stay active, and avoid lows. If this occurs, speaking with a therapist or other counselor may be beneficial. CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is a sort of talk therapy that has been shown to benefit people with anxiety. You work with a counselor to identify when you’re experiencing negative thoughts and come up with new strategies to deal with difficult situations. It’s something you should discuss with your doctor.

Keep reading successyeti.com.

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