It’s vital to take care of your nails and keep an eye out for any significant changes since, like your hair (which is formed of the same protein), they can act as an extension of your general health.

Why Do Nails Get White Spots?
According to famous cosmetic physician Paul Jarrod Frank, MD, of New York City and author of The Pro-Aging Playbook, “white patches (medically known as punctate leukonychia) are identified by keratin deposits of the nail plate.” He points out that leukonychia can also manifest as white lines running down the nail (longitudinal leukonychia) or across it (transverse or striate leukonychia).

Why Do Nails Get White Spots?
“Contrary to common belief, there is probably no calcium deficit present. White areas on the nails are often an indication of trauma or dryness-related nail bed damage,” according to Dr. Frank. Along with individuals who often get gel manicures, which harm the nail beds, those who bite their nails are more likely to develop these white stains. Rarely will there be a lack of certain minerals like calcium or zinc?

How Might White Spots On Nails Be Avoided?
Dr. Frank advises taking a break between manicures, especially ones that require scraping, gels, or acrylics, and keeping nails moisturized (cuticle oil works wonderfully). She also advises avoiding biting and other harmful activities. “If you have a tendency to break out, try two weeks on and one week off and only visit nail salons that utilize sterilized instruments. You might also want to avoid using glue or nail polish if you think the spots are the consequence of an allergy, depending on what you are sensitive to.”

Source:Real simple

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