True peace in today’s world must come from within us and through our efforts. Here are 30 simple activities you can do every day to improve your general sense of harmony, calm, and well-being:

Avoid Fights

Don’t be in every fight you’re invited to. This is especially common when you’re around people who thrive on the commotion.

Pay attention to your breathing

Stop to take a few deep breaths throughout the day. Use techniques like “square breathing” to keep tension at bay. Inhale for four counts, hold for four counts, exhale for four counts, then hold for four counts again. Rep this process four times more.

Get organized and get rid of the things you don’t need

A busy environment can lead to a cluttered mind. Take the time to get rid of things you haven’t used in a year and invest in organizational techniques that will help you keep your space tidy.

Refrain from passing judgment on others

Check your motives whenever you’re tempted to provide an opinion on someone else’s life. Negative energy is created and promoted by judging others.

Express gratitude early and often

Every day should begin and end with thankfulness. Look for ways to demonstrate gratitude in your regular activities and relationships.

More grins

There are numerous scientific benefits of smiling and laughing, even if you have to “fake it until you make it.” Also, when undertaking neutral activities like driving and walking, pay attention to your facial expression. Turn that frown on its head!

Do not be concerned about the future

As difficult as it may seem, being in the present has a clear correlation with living a more peaceful existence. You have no power over the future. “Worry is like a rocking chair,” as the proverb goes. It keeps you occupied, but it’s not going to get you anywhere.” Gently bring your thoughts back to the present moment.

Also Read: Must Read: Calmness Is Contagious, Even If You’re Faking It