Fearful of your significant hair loss but unable to buy an expensive remedy for it? One of the main causes of confidence loss might be hair loss! Our contemporary way of life makes us even more vulnerable to issues like hair fall, which ultimately results in more serious problems like hair loss. Following are some natural hair growth suggestions:

1. A warm oil massage

Use your hands to gently massage your scalp while warming some oil (ideally coconut or almond oil). It conditions your scalp, improves the strength of your hair’s roots, and stimulates blood flow to your hair follicles.

2. Onion Juice

The high sulfur concentration of onion juice makes it a useful treatment for hair loss since it improves blood flow to the hair follicles, revitalizes them, and lowers inflammation.

3. Juice from beets

The adage “Solution to practically all body-related problems may be found in the kitchen” is one example of this. Your nutritional deficiencies that lead to hair loss can be corrected with the aid of beetroot. Include it in your diet to combat this nasty issue.

4.’Green tea’

Green tea rejuvenates hair follicles and increases hair growth. Additionally, it speeds up your metabolism, which eventually results in faster hair growth. Simply condition your hair with a green tea solution to see the difference!


Many of the issues that we encounter may be traced back to this six-letter word. Losing hair is one of the main issues! Get rid of this annoyance by including meditation in your everyday practice.

Source: timesofindia

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