The five steps below will help you quench your thirst and avoid dehydration.

1. Consume only filtered water

Filtered water is the safest and most convenient way to stay hydrated. Unwanted chemicals and poisons such as fluoride and chlorine, which can be found in tap water and some bottled water, can be removed with the use of a filtration system. Two filtering systems for your home are reverse osmosis filtration and carbon block filters.

2. Indulge in herbal teas

Herbal teas are another excellent source of hydration if you want something warm to drink. Herbal teas provide anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, anti-digestion, and anti-headache properties. Herbal teas can be counted toward your daily water intake because they don’t contain caffeine.

3. Incorporate electrolytes

When compared to drinking water alone, electrolytes help get water into the cells faster and more efficiently. When you’ve been exercising, drinking alcohol, drinking coffee on a regular basis, or being in the sun, adding an electrolyte mix to your water is extremely beneficial. Liquid I.V. is an electrolyte solution that distributes hydration into your bloodstream faster and more efficiently than water alone. Liquid I.V.’s Hydration Multiplier is your best bet if you’re already dehydrated.

4. Increase Your Vegetable Consumption

You may enhance your hydration by eating more vegetables in addition to drinking more fluids. Water makes up the majority of vegetables (and fruits). If you don’t like drinking water, adding extra vegetables to your diet is a great way to stay hydrated. Cucumber and lettuce have a water content of 96 percent, whereas zucchini, radish, and celery have a water content of 95 percent.

5. Consume Coconut Water

“Nature’s sports drink,” as coconut water is known. After you’ve been sweating or when you’re feeling dehydrated, coconut water is a great option. Coconut water is not a direct substitute for filtered water due to its greater natural sugar content. To reap the full advantages of coconut water, search for actual coconut water rather than flavored coconut waters, which frequently include higher sugar levels.

Also Read: Dehydration And Mental Health