We all desire thick hair and well-groomed nails. But our demanding way of life proves to be a significant obstacle.

Yet, it has become popular to take excessive amounts of biotin in an effort to see results more quickly. Regrettably, this leads to health issues. So, it’s crucial to understand all of the biotin’s negative effects before using supplements.

Biotin is a member of vitamin B. This water-soluble vitamin also goes by the names of vitamin H and vitamin B7. Our body’s enzymes, which include biotin, aid in the breakdown of lipids and carbs to produce energy. Water-soluble vitamins must be obtained through food because our bodies cannot store them.

1. Biotin overdose might cause low vitamin C levels. It might reduce immunity.

2. It may also result in high blood sugar levels, which diabetics may find dangerous.

3. It may reduce vitamin B6 levels, which may have an effect on the nervous system.

4. A biotin overdose can result in skin rashes rather than flawless skin.

5. It may also affect the way your liver works and cause issues with insulin release.

6. You may develop digestive issues, which may result in issues with your intestines.

7. Excessive urine production results from taking too much biotin. Your kidneys will be strained as a result.

Although biotin is generally harmless, an overdose can have a wide range of negative effects.