What brings us joy? What do you believe will make you happy or content 15 years from now? Many recent studies of millennials asked them what their most significant life goals were, and more than 80% of the responses indicated that they want to be wealthy. Other options were getting a good career or becoming famous.

We push ourselves every day and have been convinced that monetary prosperity is necessary for a successful or happy existence. Our parents, professors, friends, and others instilled in us an idea of a “happy existence.” What exactly is happiness? It can signify one of two things. First, it is the sensation of joy, which can be momentary or long-lasting, and second, it is the satisfaction that one’s life is satisfying and worthwhile.

Here are research-backed ways to achieve long-term happiness.

1. Generosity

The top of the list is that we should seek out more opportunities to be nice. How can we be certain that being nice makes us happier? You can observe that individuals who are nice are happier regardless if they have modest employment, income, social standing, and so on.

2. Social Interactions

Our social relationships help us grow. When was the last time you spent significant time with family and friends? We don’t currently have the opposite of the word “loneliness,” but if there was, one should seek it.

3. Time Abundance

The term “affluence” has long been connected with financial wealth and a lavish lifestyle. However, psychologists stress the significance of time.


PERMA is one of the numerous models established by researchers to help us understand how to live a fulfilling existence.

5. Positive Feelings

We may improve our lives by concentrating on hope, interest, compassion, thankfulness, and pride, in addition to happiness. We may boost our pleasant feelings by doing things we enjoy, such as listening to uplifting music or journaling.

Also Read: How Trekking And Wandering In Nature Brings Us Happiness