Having a sense of gratitude towards your life on earth is important. Here are a few tips and ideas on how to appreciate the time you have on earth.

1. Being your day with gratitude

Start your day with a simple form of gratitude. Be thankful for the three things in your life which will have a positive psychological intervention. When you practice gratitude to others and to yourself for all the wonderful things in your life, you’d experience a positive change in your personality and you’d be able to live in the moment.

2. Be aware of yourself

In order to appreciate your life on earth, you first need to be aware of your true self. You need to acknowledge all the best things in your life and discover who you are and what you truly feel. What you are today is the consequence of your decisions in the past.

3. Embrace your natural state of being in life

The things you possess, your normal, natural and healthy state is in itself a wonderful gift and you should be grateful for it while embracing it. Savour the joy you experience in life.

4. Enjoying the present

Forget the past and focus on your present. Past is past and you cannot change time to get it back. Instead pay attention to your present and enjoy all the things it has to offer. Being fully present might seem a bit impossible but you can always try to be in the present.

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