Happiness is the most important thing in human life. Besides that, happiness plays an important role in romantic relationships. It serves as a foundation and sustaining force. Happy individuals tend to be more positive and energetic, which helps them to be polite and loving, creating better relationships. Not only that, but with a positive outlook, communications are enhanced.

A happy individual is more likely to engage in behavior that helps to improve their relationship, for example, showing affection, taking care, appreciation, emotional support, giving enough time, etc. These actions not only make the other person feel good but also help build trust, deepen emotional connection, and create an atmosphere where both can express themselves freely.

In addition, happiness helps the couple navigate the complexities of a relationship and work on solutions. When both partners are happy, they are equipped to deal with challenges as a team, finding solutions rather than blaming others.

Happiness influences physical intimacy. A positive emotional state helps in better communication, fulfilling interactions, and a feeling of contentment. It also fosters better mental health, decreasing the risk of depression and anxiety, which can become a problem in a relationship.