Categories: Happiness

Must Read: Do We Live A Happier Life Compared To Our Ancestors

When a modern man reads the chronicles of history back to ancient times, he is startled by the difficult existence of human beings a few generations ago. Our forefathers used to live in caves, eat raw food, and walk thousands of miles on foot. They were unable to obtain garments to cover their bodies, and they were unconcerned about finding shelter to cover their heads. They had the same standard of living like beasts. Nonetheless, they were content.

Many things that were unheard of in our predecessors’ day have become available to us thanks to scientific innovation. A modern man can enjoy himself in a variety of ways. We’ve conquered nature’s elements, tamed the atom, landed on the moon, and conquered space, but we’re still not whole, content, or fulfilled.

We are squanderers, lethargic, sad, furious, and prone to a variety of vices. We have so many expectations that life is filled with discontent and misery. There is no recreation, rest, harmony, or joy in our lives. Today’s humanity is insolent, dishonest, deceitful, insincere, and annoyed.

Without a doubt, our predecessors had no other accommodations or facilities. There have been countless fatal infections, outbreaks, and cases of neglect on the subject of sanitation. There has been minimal further education and practical training in schools, universities, and institutes of higher education, yet they have escaped the numerous ills and horrors of modern civilization. They were open, honest, caring, concerned, pitiful, polite, and sensitive. They had a soul, and their acts and thoughts were always guided by ethical, spiritual, and human philosophies. They experienced inner peace, pleasure, and fulfilment.

Our genuine identities and inner selves are hungry and hardened. In this age of scientific progress, human virtues such as love, empathy, compassion, camaraderie, and kindness have been progressively marginalised. Man has become increasingly egoistic and materialistic. What good is it to have possession of the universe if the spirit isn’t there? The human race has been cursed by King Midas. Knowledge exploitation has changed our future into a bleak one. Our life has become enslaved and cynical.

Everything that has been said thus far strongly suggests that our forefathers were far happier than we are.

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