Our thoughts and processes dominate us. What we are, is what we think. Our thinking is the reflection of our value system. It speaks oceans about you. Often we can’t control things that we don’t have control over. We don’t have control over the atmospheric changes, we can’t change what other people think of us. We can change and revert our thought processes from making our life miserable because we have control over them. In this extract, we shall have a look at the same.

As said earlier, our thoughts replicate our identity. We have the power of making our day miserable or happy. When we tend to think about all the negative that has happened in our life it is obvious that we will feel terrible, miserable and also feel like giving up.

But our human mind possesses the power to change what we think. We can control the negative thoughts that come to our mind, by reverting our mind and thought processes to the positive indications that might have occurred in our life.

When we bring happy go lucky thoughts to our minds we tend to feel more positive and energetic. But when we bring negative thoughts to our mind we unknowingly might even ruin our entire day being unproductive, dwelling into negative and miserable thoughts.

So to live a good and misery free life we can give ourselves small surprises for being outstanding in every performance, by constantly thinking about the good memories in our life, by reading good literature that would cope with our thought processes. In this way, our life can become less miserable and happier if we have control over our thoughts.

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