Knowing when to say it is crucial. When something really has to be stated, individuals often sit back and say nothing. It could be an idea, a recommendation, an observation, or a criticism…but they refuse to say anything. They may be terrified of injuring another person, appearing cruel or ignorant, or releasing a can of worms into everyone’s lives. Staying silent appears to be the wiser option at times. But, despite the danger, here are five reasons why standing up and declaring your peace is the best option.

1. Silence is construed as approval.

You may believe that remaining silent prevents you from becoming involved in any conflict, but this is not the case. Silence, like talking, is an energetic form of communication. People are aware of all the input and lack thereof whenever they are participating in an issue. If you disapprove but don’t say anything, you won’t come out as easy-going. If the problem lingers and you do nothing, others may perceive you as enabling and believe the problem is as much your fault as the person who caused it. You could end up destroying trust and causing animosity. People rarely express gratitude for withholding knowledge later on.

2. The greater good should take precedence.

I prefer to think that most individuals are naturally good-hearted. And many people remain silent because they don’t want to offend or criticize anyone. When an individual or a team is on a perilous path, however, it is selfish to prioritize your personal comfort over the needs of others. Worse, you may be harming the same individuals you are trying to aid by remaining silent. If you open up, the worst-case situation is that someone will not agree with you, but at least the issue will be brought to light, and an active conclusion can be created. In the best-case scenario, everyone wins and you’re acclaimed as a strong leader.

3. Demonstrate your commitment.

Why are you even partaking in this conversation? Someone invited you to participate in the conversation. Find a better way to spend your time if you actually don’t have a stake. If you’re there for a cause, however, you should be active and loud in order to demonstrate your dedication to the process and the people involved. Speaking up is a vital aspect of being truthful. Honesty, when mixed with tact and sensitivity, genuinely creates trust. Demonstrate that you’ll be honest with people, that you care about them, and that you’ll give sound counsel, and you’ll never run out of people to trust.

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