Because it enables us to communicate with one another, share knowledge, and express ourselves, social media has become an essential part of our life. Social media, however, can affect our happiness positively and negatively. Here are a ways that social media may impact our happiness:

When you compare yourself to others, it can cause low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. We may feel that we aren’t accomplishing enough or that our lives aren’t as fascinating as others when we view carefully crafted highlight reels of other people’s lives. This could make you feel unhappy and unsatisfied.

Concern about missing out (FOMO)
Social media can also bring FOMO or missing out on something significant or interesting in other people’s lives. If we are continuously monitoring our social media feeds, this might cause anxiety and feelings of loneliness.

Cyberbullying, which may seriously affect our mental health and well-being, can also be facilitated by social media. Experiencing online harassment can make you feel depressed, anxious, and lonely.

Support and Relationship
On the other hand, social media may also offer connection and support, particularly during trying times. Social networking can help people connect with others who have had similar situations and provide emotional support.

Social media may be a platform for advocacy, creativity, and self-expression. It may be a means of spreading our opinions and ideas to a larger audience and improving the world.

Information Saturation
Information overload brought on by social media is another way it might result in tension and anxiety. The constant barrage of news, opinions, and updates can be draining and harm our mental health.