Individuals who compete against themselves are more successful than those who compete against others because when you compete against yourself, you understand that winning is more than a competition.

Being a winner doesn’t imply crossing the finish line first, but giving everything you’ve got to attain your goal. Otherwise, the competition itself is meaningless. Therefore, you can be successful without the necessity to win. It’s the process that’s crucial and what you prove to yourself, and not to others.

Here are the ways to compete with yourself.

1. Set rational and attainable goals

One of the greatest mistakes people make when attempting to accomplish a goal is that they set standards that are too high. Setting such unreasonable and irrational goals leads to elevated anxiety levels and it fails. Think about your own capacities and set proper goals, instead of looking at others and trying to achieve what they have achieved.

2. Reward yourself for doing a good job

There’s no better way to encourage yourself than the understanding that a reward waits for you at the finish line. Hence, every time you achieve your goal, celebrate it. A small reward is sufficient to improve your mood and make you feel satisfied.

3. Get to Know Your Authentic Self

The more comfortable and satisfied we become with ourselves, the less we feel the desire to unnecessarily compete against others. So to get comfortable with yourself, you need to know and respect your true self.

4. Surround yourself with positive role models

Many individuals dream of being an expert in something and to enhance their abilities, they find role models who’d encourage them. Remember, role models should help you attain success, not obstruct it by making you feel depressed.

When you have a role model who motivates you, your desire for competing with yourself increases.

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