The adage “those who are possessed by nothing possess everything” refers to the idea that pleasure and fulfilment can only be attained by letting up material goods, wants, and attachments. One may access the riches of inner prosperity, satisfaction, and tranquillity when liberated from these outside influences.

Possession extends beyond tangible possessions to encompass emotional ties and negative thought patterns that might stifle our progress and keep us from discovering genuine happiness and freedom. For instance, feelings like resentment, rage, and envy may grip us, drag us down, and keep us from leading happy lives.

People who have attained a condition of detachment and inner serenity are unrestricted in their ability to experience life fully. They can thoroughly enjoy the beauty and wonder of the world because financial or emotional things do not burden them. As a result, they are free to be who they are, to love without conditions, and to follow their interests and aspirations.

Discovering pleasure inside ourselves is the real test of happiness and fulfilment, not the possession of worldly possessions. This does not imply that individuals who own them cannot be happy or pleased. On the contrary, inner serenity and contentment are enduring riches that cannot be taken away, but material goods are transient and easily lost or taken away.

The statement, “those who are possessed by nothing possess everything”, emphasizes the importance of developing inner peace and fulfilment rather than relying on things or emotional ties to make us happy or please us. We may open ourselves to a world of plenty and possibilities by releasing our attachment to material items and destructive mind patterns.