In this fast-paced world, most of the people tend to be restless. And this restlessness obstructs our way to achieve peace. There are various reasons why people are restless.

Here are the reasons you are restless

1. Suppression of True Passion

Everyone has two types of voices in their head. One voice belongs to your inner self, while the other voice is your inner critic. Your inner self is the voice of your vision, enthusiasm, confidence, and a sense of purpose. And your critic is something that will never let you do what you want.

If your inner critic takes over your inner self you most probably think that whatever you are doing is not good or you will fail in a particular task. It creates a sense of confusion within you. This internal battle is exhausting and will lead to restlessness and it will be very much difficult for you to find peace.

2. Lack of Confidence

Somewhere or at some point in this journey of life, you may have stopped believing you were good enough, you may have not taken the step ahead because of the lack of belief and confidence in yourself, which led to feeling restless. A quick cure for such a situation is to think of something that makes you feel extremely confident. It could be anything, whether it is riding a bicycle or passing a job interview.

3. Excessive Dependence on Others

Depending on another person is not always a bad thing. But too much dependence can prove to be bad. When you work with others, you have a partner who encourages you to continue doing a particular task. But then at some point in life, if you can’t get encouragement from that person, you may stop doing your task. You end up feeling restless.

The more you depend on others, the more you withdraw control of parts of your life.

4. Too many tasks at a time

In this world of economy, you get very little time for yourself. There is too much competition. To go above others, you tend to do more and more tasks to achieve your goal. These too many tasks end up creating troubles for you. As you aren’t able to provide yourself the care and sleep your body needs. And this ultimately leads to restlessness and lack of peace.

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