1. Stick to a routine

When things grow busy and exciting, people often forsake their tasks to put out fires. Certainly, serious issues must be addressed, but abandoning your usual obligations will result in additional concerns and confusion. Within the context of your existing workload, evaluate and prioritise issues. Maintain open lines of communication with customers and superiors so that you can manage their expectations.

2. Relax and unwind

A crazed activity might operate as a magnet, attracting additional individuals and increasing the level of disorder. Jumping into the fray will only make you a greater part of the problem. Excuse yourself for a few moments so you can get some fresh air and reclaim your objectivity. Take a mental break with a brief distraction, even if you stay at your desk.

3. Take a deep breath and slow down

Racecar drivers have a saying: slow in the cockpit equals fast on the track. When travelling too quickly, carelessness is inevitable, exacerbating an already chaotic scenario. Encourage your team to take it a little slower so they may be more meticulous. Take a few deep breaths and relax rather than hyperventilating.

4. Recognize and Manage Your Stressors

If everyone on the team has reached their breaking point, the entire area will erupt. You may not be able to look after everyone else, but you can certainly take care of yourself. Self-awareness is a good thing to have. Know what makes you angry, and keep an eye on your stress level to prepare for the inevitable.

Also Read: In A World Full OF Chaos, Here Are Some Simple Ways To Stay Happy