Peacekeeping missions are an important means for international organizations to promote peace and security. These missions are often made up of military and civilian personnel from several nations who are dispatched to a war zone to monitor the ceasefire and assist in the implementation of peace treaties. They also give humanitarian aid to people impacted by the war and assist in the protection of civilians from violence.

Diplomacy and negotiation are two additional essential roles that international organizations play in maintaining peace and security. The United Nations, for example, frequently serves as a conflict mediator, bringing parties together to discuss and settle their disputes. It also serves an important role in upholding international law and ensuring that governments follow peace and security decisions and accords.

In addition to these conventional tasks, international organizations are increasingly resorting to new and innovative strategies to promote peace and security. For example, the United Nations has created a variety of initiatives aimed at tackling the core reasons of violence, such as poverty, inequality, and a lack of access to education and healthcare. They also seek to create capacity in countries, assisting them in developing the institutions and mechanisms required to sustain peace and avert violence.

Finally, international organizations and peacekeeping operations play an important role in safeguarding global peace and security.

Also Read: Value of peace-keeping