Anger or Rage is a strong emotion that can vary from minor annoyance to full-fledged anger. While many people consider anger to be purely a “bad emotion,” it can sometimes be beneficial. Angry feelings may motivate you to stand up for someone or to affect societal change. Anger can develop into aggressive action, such as yelling at someone or harming property, if allowed unchecked. Angry sentiments might also force you to retreat from the world and focus your anger inward, which can have negative consequences for your health and well-being.

Here are some tips to help you control your anger.

1. Consider your words before speaking

It’s easy to say something you’ll later regret in the heat of the moment. Before you say anything, take a few moments to gather your thoughts – and let everyone involved in the issue do the same.

2. Once you’ve regained your composure, express your rage

Express your frustration in an aggressive yet non-confrontational manner as soon as you’re thinking rationally. Without hurting people or attempting to manipulate them, express your worries and wants plainly and frankly.

3. Get some physical activity

Exercise can assist in the reduction of stress, which can lead to rage. If you feel your anger rising, take a brisk walk or run, or spend some time in nature.

4. Take a deep breath

As you become more enraged, your breathing becomes shallower and faster. Take several calm, deep breaths from your nose and exhale through your mouth to reverse the tendency (and your anger).

5. Let your muscles unwind

Progressive muscle relaxation entails tensing and slowly relaxing different muscle groups in your body one by one. Take deep, deliberate breaths as your tense and relax.

6. Countdown

Count to 10 (or higher) Start with 99 if you’re very upset. Your pulse rate will slow and your anger will likely dissipate in the time it takes you to count.

7. Recite a mantra

Look for a word or phrase that can help you relax and refocus. When you’re upset, repeat that term to yourself again and over. The phrases “relax,” “take it easy,” and “you’ll be fine” are all good examples.

8. Sing some songs

Allow the music to transport you away from your emotions. Put your earbuds in or get in your car. Turn on your favourite tunes and hum, bounce, or sashay away your rage.

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Also Read: Must Read: For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose 60 Seconds Of Happiness