When fluid builds up behind the eardrum, it causes an ear infection, which is typically caused by bacteria. Ear infections can affect anyone, but they are more common in children than in adults. Ear infections are one of the most common reasons parents take their children to the doctor. There are various types of ear infections, all of which can result in temporary hearing loss. However, middle ear infections are the most common cause of temporary hearing loss in children.

Causes of middle ear infections

Upper respiratory infections, such as the common cold, nearly usually result in middle ear infections. Inflammation and swelling of the back of the throat, including the anatomical component known as the Eustachian tube, are caused by the illness. When this tube connects the throat to the middle ear, it can no longer equalize the pressure in the middle ear space because it is enlarged.

As a result of the increased pressure in the tiny middle ear area, regular secretions are unable to drain properly. Ear pain, pressure, dizziness, and temporary hearing loss can all be caused by negative pressure and excess fluid.

Middle ear infections are more common in younger children for two reasons. To begin with, their immune systems are underdeveloped, making respiratory infections more difficult to combat. Second, their Eustachian tubes are longer and more horizontal, making fluid drainage more difficult.

Symptoms of middle ear infections

1. Toddlers and babies

It might be difficult to notice symptoms in newborns and toddlers since they are unable to verbally articulate the ear pain or irritation they are feeling.

Some warning indicators to keep an eye out for include fever, scratching, or pulling at the ears on a regular or frequent basis, response time to voices and other noises is slowed, irritability and ear secretions, fuzziness or crying, trouble sleeping, etc.

2. Older children, adolescents, and adults

Middle ear infection symptoms in older children, adolescents, and adults can include a constant earache, dizziness, double hearing, vomiting, difficulty in understanding speech, etc.

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