IELTS means International English Language Testing System. It is an acclaimed language proficiency examination that is taken by candidates for occupational and educational purposes. It is approved across 140 countries. IELTS has two variants, IELTS General Training and IELTS Academic.

TOEFL means Test of English Language as a Foreign Language which is a prominent language proficiency examination mostly opted by students wishing to study abroad. This test lays priority on assessing the abilities of applicants to communicate in classroom-based English. It is accepted in over 130 countries.

Difference between IELTS and TOEFL

The main difference lies in the format of the questions in the test. TOEFL consists of MCQs whereas IELTS consists of questions in different forms like fill in the blanks, short answers, etc.

Another difference is the duration of time. IELTS has to be finished in 2 hours 45 minutes and to complete TOEFL, it will take you 4 hours.

IELTS is available in two variants i.e, General Training and Academic, the applicants can select their test as per their choice. TOEFL delivers only one type of exam.

IELTS needs applicants to showcase their creative thinking capacities and understanding skills, on the other hand, TOEFL would assess your rational thinking and how well you can evaluate their different options. It needs practical thinking.

Speaking examinations in TOEFL will be recorded through a microphone and will be sent to the examiners. Where else the IELTS speaking examination will be face to face between candidates and examiner. The duration of TOEFL is 20 minutes and IELTS needs a maximum of 10-15 minutes.

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