· Eat avocados

Avocados are a great food which is good for overall health. They contain many important nutrients and minerals that improve blood flow and is considered heart-healthy food, they keep blood circulating, which can help with arousal.

· Include Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic with their nutritional benefits can help with your sexual health. Onions are said to improve sexual organs for both the genders and also is a great food to increase the libido. Whereas, garlic helps in improving stamina. Both of these foods are said to increase testosterone levels in men.

· Eat more fish

Fish contains have good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are good fats, which are essential for circulation health. Better circulation health helps improve your sexual health since it promotes blood flow to the penis, clitoris, and vulva.Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential for the health of mucus membranes, such as those of the vagina.

· Include redder in your diet

Red foods have been found to promote sexual health. Tomatoes contain lycopene that has been found to help men produce less abnormal sperm. Strawberries red is not only a sexually stimulating colour, but the fruit can help reduce birth defects and increase sperm count due to the folic acid present in them.

· Reduce saturated fats

Saturated fats can clog arteries in the genitals, which results in a reduction of blood flow and can affect arousal and orgasm. Saturated fats also raise bad cholesterol levels, which decreases your libido and overall sexual performance.

· Eat fruits and vegetables that contain iron

Low iron levels can lower the libido, lessen the chances of an orgasm, and reduce lubrication. To find iron include lean red meats, chicken, pork, leafy green vegetables, and beans.

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