Yoga is the best way to relax your muscles as this exercise keeps you moving through the physical activity yet it is gentle to avoid any further strain.

The yoga poses that help you relieve neck and back pain and keep you at peace are as follows.

1. Ear to Shoulder or Neck Roll

The easiest way to relieve neck tension is to adopt the neck roll. It is extremely delicate and the stretch does not require much pressure.


· Sit in a comfortable position, with upright but relax shoulders, stretched spine and let your hands rest on your knees.

· Roll your neck to one side until your ear meets your shoulder.

· With one hand push your head.

· Gently roll your head back to the original position and repeat the same with the right side.

2. Seated Forward Bend

Seated forward bend pose is a great exercise for the neck and stretches your spine, shoulders and hamstrings.


· Sit straight with your legs aligned in front of you.

· Inhale and bend forward while cupping your heels. Ensure your chest touches your knee.

· Now tuck your chin inwards and roll forward.

· Hold that stretch, count to five and exhale.

3. Cat or Cow Pose

Although this pose might not seem so flattering, it stretches your neck and shoulder muscles. It functions in operating the abdominal organs.


· Begin with the tabletop position.

· Arch your back and look up at the ceiling.

· Gently round your back and shoulder forward and further lower your chin until it touches the chest.

These poses are easy and can make you feel at peace.

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