When it comes to maintaining general well-being and boosting immunity, gut health is crucial. Unfortunately, it is frequently under-prioritized.

The good news is that you don’t have to do much to maintain healthy gut health. “Simple modifications to your cooking style will help maintain your gut health and happiness,” stated Dr. Nidhi Pandya Bhanshali on Instagram.

Dr. Pandya further stated that “adding excellent fats to your diets is the number one strategy to make them more digestible,” explaining that fat can store and spread heat, as well as aid in the breakdown of foods that would otherwise put a strain on the heated enzymes in the gut. “Using herbs and the right spices in those fats will enable nutritional absorption and digestion to be accelerated,” she noted.

As a result, she went on to identify several common foods that may be made more digestible by simply mixing them with other ingredients when cooking. Cauliflower, for example, can be mixed with fennel seeds to improve digestion.

Soak chickpeas well; while boiling, add ginger and a little butter, and then add homemade garam masala.

Milk should not be consumed with fruits or salty foods. It is recommended to cook porridge or add haldi to water and drink it at night. It may be made more digestible by adding black pepper and dried finger.

Homemade spices: When consumed in moderation, they can aid in the secretion of digestive fluids in the stomach and liver, speeding up digestion. Ready-made masala contains chemicals that produce acidity.

Source: Indian express

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