Saying “thank you” isn’t the same as the energy of thankfulness I’m talking about. These tips can help you elevate your thankfulness from an afterthought to a work of art:

1. Make expressing ‘thanks’ a habit.

Make time daily to count your blessings, whether in a notebook or a thankfulness document on your computer. Do it while getting dressed or in the shower.

2. Be precise in your thankfulness.

Why is it that the more particular you are, the stronger the spell of gratitude will be? Specificity deepens thankfulness since you’re feeling more of it.

3. Make it a part of your daily routine.

Thank God for everything. Don’t be satisfied with being grateful for your children, partner, home, and career. Keep going by expressing thanks to your body, your earth, your love, you’re being loved, your country, your abilities, the beauty around you, your favourite TV shows, and your unseen pals. The more you express thankfulness for both small and large things in every category, the more gratitude you will experience throughout the day, and the more your life will change.

4. Take time to be grateful from time to time.

I know your life is busy, and I know it’s easier said than done but set out 10 to thirty minutes now and then to sit and be grateful—truly grateful. No, life isn’t and never will be perfect. But there are always grounds to be thankful. Gratitude is more of a spiritual than a human experience, and it will help you connect more intimately with your higher self, soul, and other invisible companions.

5. Express your gratitude ahead of time.

Imagine beautiful things happening in the future and be grateful for them once you’ve mastered gratitude. You don’t even have to know what they are—imagine yourself sitting in a year, next week, or tomorrow, thinking… “Wow, this day/week/year has been incredible.” I could never have envisioned things ending out so well… “I am incredibly grateful.” Yes, thankfulness is fantastic! It’s more than just a workout. It is a way to create your reality and a way to deepen your spirituality. Be grateful for gratitude.

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