The Vedic tradition of India, which dates back more than 3,000 years, is where Inner Peace Fellowship Meditation (IPF Meditation) originated. IPF Meditation employs the same Sanskrit mantras that Indian yogis have been practicing and perfecting for countless years. IPF Meditation is very simple to learn, and it has a lot of beneficial effects when used regularly. By 2021, these meditation guidelines had been followed by over a million people across 235 nations.

Meditating helps you learn how to do it. You naturally teach yourself how to enter a deeper state of stillness each time you meditate because the silence and stillness you experience in meditation as well as the increased happiness and reduced stress you experience outside of meditation are so alluring and welcome.

Your Initial Mediation

Find a quiet, relaxing place to sit so that you can start your meditation. Then for about a minute, close your eyes and do nothing. There’s nothing wrong with having thoughts during that time. Play your mantra** in a whisper while the audio below is playing. Say your mantra silently inside each time you hear it, without moving your tongue or lips.

A regular meditation routine

Every morning and every night, spend 15 to 30 minutes in meditation. Before eating, it’s best to meditate. If possible, find a peaceful location to meditate in, although it’s acceptable if you don’t have one. Meditating is not made difficult by noise.

For about a minute, remain still, with your eyes closed. It’s okay that thoughts will come to you. Throughout meditation, thoughts are normal. After a few minutes, quietly begin repeating your mantra inside of yourself in the same natural way that thoughts arise. Repeat your mantra gradually until you are finished.

Source: Inner Peace Fellowship

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