Tips for Dealing with Depression During Cancer Treatment

Recognizing Depression Symptoms

The first step is to learn and recognize the signs and symptoms of depression. For example, difficulty to accept a diagnosis, persistent depression, bouts of crying, increased hypersensitivity, diminished interest in what was previously enjoyable, hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness.

Avoiding Toxic Positives

While it is important to stay positive during cancer treatment, it is also important to remember that you are permitted to experience and express other emotions. Let’s cry when we need it. Tears are a natural reaction to stress. It’s easy to be optimistic when you’re not obsessed with feelings or thoughts.


Accept that it is normal to feel some anxiety, fear, and depression when your life is disturbed. Many clients have told me that I shouldn’t be like this. I always have to be positive. “-It’s an unrealistic expectation at best. However, if you have problems accepting it, seek professional help early before your stress levels rise.

Curiosity for Cancer

You must have many questions about your diagnosis and your treatment plan-let your oncologist reveal them. This anxiety can lead to helplessness and increase existing fear. Do not rely on the internet for answers as it may affect your fears and worries.

Diet Aware

Ensure adequate nutrition, fluid intake, and sleep. Eat a small amount of regular home-cooked food. If you are suffering from these concerns, talk with your oncologist so that you can work to develop an appropriate plan. You can also talk to a psychologist about sleep problems.

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